Our Association Committee

Tony Ferguson
Committee Member
I was going to become a beekeeper as always loved the idea to get an allotment to keep them on. I finally got plot 32 and started to buy and build my hives no bees yet and I kept watching on you tube to learn how to look after them. Then out of the blue the women who run the allotments for the council rang me and asked me to take on the 2 beehives as they would have to destroy them. So, I agreed to take on the task. To care for them. Then after going to have a look, the plot of land they were on was in a very bad state. So, as a disabled man, I had to have my friend to level the plot for me so I could care for them and make it safe for me to walk around safely. Then I started my adventure, to be a bee keeper.

Rob Elisa
As an Allotment Association now regulated by the National Allotment Society and registered under Companies House, we now have strict rules that govern the way in which our accounts are maintained and reported. My role on the committee is to manage this process, ensuring that our accounting practices are fully compliant. Whilst I do not have a background in accountancy, my years in the Finance industry where I gained some basic accountancy qualifications, comes in quite handy. Our accounts are available for all members to view and scrutinise. Please contact me should you have any questions relating to those accounts

Mrs Smith
Registration Administrator

Mr Smith
Bee Keeper